
親愛的大師們,在地球體驗的這個時代中,人類揚升的目標, 是針對個體靈魂自身在3D和4D中所有的靈魂碎片進行整合。
Beloved Masters, the Ascension goal for humanity, within this era of earthly experience, is to integrate all of the remaining Soul Fragments of the individual Soul Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions. This will initiate a reunion with your Spiritual Triad, a Sacred Facet of your Divine Self, which is awaiting your return within the first sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension. This is humanity's major goal for this round of evolution.
Remember, ALL Creation—the Omniverse at all levels—is Cosmic Energy, which was sent forth from the Heart-Core of the Supreme Creator. This Energy is composed of vibrational frequencies of infinite variations, which interpenetrate with each other, and yet are separated from each other by the variance in Light frequency patterns. The Light/Energy of the Creator contains all the components of Creation, and these innumerable Seeded Patterns of Light make up the complexity of the many levels of material manifestation. The terms used to describe the multiple levels of Creation, such as 「Dimensions and Sub-Dimensions,」 are used to bring clarity and understanding of the very complex nature of the reality in which all Creation exists.
那些用於描述多層級創造的術語,如 「維度和分維度」等,是用來清晰的理解一切造物所存在的實相的非常複雜本質。
We have defined the stages or levels of the Ascension process that humanity is currently experiencing as 「STAGES OF EVOLUTION.」 After you return to balance and harmonize your mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies within the vibratory fields of the Third Dimension, you are ready to focus on the Fourth Dimension and the Emotional-Astral Planes.
Most of the advanced Souls who have incarnated within the last fifty or so years came in with their Third-Dimensional Soul Fragments already harmonized and integrated, and many came in with a good portion of their Fourth-Dimensional Fragments integrated as well. These precious Souls are the ones who agreed to sink into the density of the Third-/Fourth-Dimensional illusional density so they could become the Vanguard /Wayshowers who would lead the Way onto the upward spiraling Path into the entry realms of the Fifth Kingdom. As these brave Light Bearers are lifted up, so are the Earth and all humanity.
當這些勇敢的荷光者們升起來的時候,地球及全人類也同時提升了。(荷光者: 攜帶部分已整合好的4D靈魂碎片的人)
A period of great renunciation prefaces the complete transition out of the Fourth Human Kingdom (the Fourth Dimension). You must experience the challenges and tests of the fourth stage of the Ascension process, so that you may return to the originally designed path of Light and shadow, in order to complete the journey of duality. In doing so, you will gain entrance into the Fifth Kingdom of the Sacred Triad, which is the foundation of the Fifth-Dimensional reality.
(Each person's renunciation process varies depending on the overlay of negative vibrational patterns they carry within from his/her many past life experiences).
At the end of the Fourth-Dimensional stage, the many Fragments or Soul extensions of your Soul-Self from within the Third/Fourth Dimensions will have returned to the center of origin within your Diamond Core God Cell. Your goal is to become a living, consciously integrated, Soul-infused personality. A Soul-inspired mind seeks and conveys illumination. Over time, you will tap into your higher, intuitive nature, which will assist you in developing a more refined and expansive perception. A completion of the Fourth Stage of Evolution will result in a fusion of Love/Intelligence between the Soul and the personality.

進化第4階段的完成,會導致靈魂與個性間, 愛/智的融合。
Yes, it is possible to achieve this spiritual state of Soul-awareness while in the physical vessel. At this time, many StarSeed Souls are close to accomplishing this goal. It will become a common occurrence over the next twenty or so years, and the Ascension of humanity will accelerate throughout this century. This unique phase of Ascension was designed to be a 「Group Ascension,」 whereby groups of specialized Souls, which came forth together into this Sub-Universe, are gradually reuniting. Your journey into separation is complete, and you are joining together once more as you begin this amazing adventure back into the higher realms of Light and life.
You will learn that in order to become a SELF-MASTER, you must be:
(1丁:自我決斷指'勇',冥王星能量整合; 自我調節指'情'(仁)以海王星能量整合之, 自我覺知指'智',乃天王星能量整合; 靈魂意識指靈性,是前三者~三王星能量的全體整合。總的說,就是在'智仁勇'整合後必覺醒,靈性便自然昇起)
A Self-master is responsive to the surrounding environment, while being the observer of mundane life experiences from a higher vantage point. You will learn what it means to 「Be in the world, but not of it.」 The Soul's nature is love; therefore, you will begin to experience abounding joy and radiant love from within your Heart/Soul. You will still experience personal and physical distress; however, you will have the wisdom and the tools to transcend it. The Soul's main purpose for incarnating in a body is not to learn; its desire is to experience. Within Its original realm, the Soul has Cosmic Consciousness. The Soul assumes a physical vessel in order to experience physicality, and in that state of Being It seeks realization and understanding via various degrees of physical brain consciousness. The main purpose of a Soul-infused personality is to become proficient in bringing down, into the physical Plane, the highest frequencies of God-Consciousness that he/she can embody and radiate out into the world. This results in illumination and Self-mastery.


靈魂啟用一個身體載具是為了體驗物質性,在那種存在狀態中,它通過物質大腦不同程度的意識去尋求認知和理解。靈魂佔據人格的主要目的是, 純熟的將他她能夠體現和投射到世界的最高頻率(靈性意識), 帶入物質層面中來。而這會帶來啟迪和自我主宰。
Through the process of integration and assimilation, the Soul Self slowly reunites all the Fragments of Itself within the Third and Fourth Dimensions into the physical vessel, thereby creating a Soul-infused personality. The Will of the Soul and the will of the human personality must blend in order to align with the next higher level of God-Consciousness. Remember, the Soul is only a dim reflection/Facet of Its original God-Seed Atom within this Sub-Universe. The Soul's ultimate goal has always been to eventually return to a state of Divine Consciousness.
While in a physical vessel, within this solar system, and during these times of transformation, your return journey from materiality involves experiencing and harmonizing the various Sub-Dimensional levels of sentience–or what has been designated as STAGES OF CONSCIOUS AWARENESS–which necessitate correcting and harmonizing of various negative thought forms of consciousness within the many Soul fragments you have created down through the ages. In doing so, you are gradually integrating these precious Facets of yourself. Over time, on this journey of Ascension, you will integrate all of the lower-frequency Soul Fragments you have created. And you are now in the process of downloading, via your Soul Star, all of the higher-frequency Facets of Soul-consciousness.
在這個太陽系的身體載具中,於當前的轉變時期,你們從物質性回歸的旅程會涉及到體驗和協調不同分維度層級的感知力——或已經被指定為意識覺知階段——迫使糾正和協調許多靈魂碎片內, 累生累世你所建立起來的各種負面的意識思維模式。
The Superconscious Mind and the Soul work in harmony one with another, once a person begins to awaken to and heed the inner voice of Spirit. The Soul Self begins to download or radiate Its storehouse of mental and emotional wisdom, via Its Memory Seed Atoms, into the individual's physical, emotional, mental and Etheric Being. These memory cells of consciousness are carefully monitored and calibrated to be of no higher frequencies than the physical vessel can accommodate. These thought form patterns will gradually increase in Light quotient, consisting of higher frequency energy, as the aspirant progresses on the Path of Light. In graduated stages, there is a fusion or conscious merging of the Soul and the ego-desire body/personality, until a point of equilibrium is achieved. This is called a 「Soul Merge,」 whereby the seeker becomes a Soul-infused personality. The Fourth Dimension could be called a 「transitional reality,」 for this is where humanity begins to let go of all the preconditioning of the past. The Fourth-Dimensional realm is more emotional in nature, and therefore, the heart and feeling nature begin to be the major focus. The ancients called it the 「Realm of Maya or illusion.」

4D可以被稱為一個「過渡實相」,因為這是人類開始「放下」過去一切「前提條件」 的維度。4D領域在特性上更情感化,所以心和感覺上的自然狀態開始成為主要專注點。古人稱之為「瑪雅國度或幻相」。
The collective mass consciousness of humanity created the lower three dimensional levels, which are the Astral Planes of the Fourth Dimension, and this is where most of humanity exists mentally until they gradually begin to turn inward and listen to the nudgings of their Higher Soul Self. The ego-desire personality is the master manipulator of this realm, and it constantly urges one to seek more satisfaction and happiness via sensation and acquisition. When the Fourth-Dimensional stage of awareness is almost completed, you connect with your Sacred Triad, via the Antakarana, which is a direct stream of Life/Light from your God-Seed Atom. At that time, a Memory-Seed Atom, stored within the Root chakra at the base of the spine, gradually begins to spiral up through the Light Rod of Power, along the spinal column, and then anchors within the Pineal Gland. This, in turn, will activate another Memory Seed Atom of higher awareness—your new Divine Blueprint for the coming age—within the Pineal Gland.
人類集體的大眾意識創建了較低的3個維度層級,那是4D的星光層(1丁:指星光層是下三界集體無意識共成之域。星光層本身是陰陽界面,不是一個如5D以上的'單一社會記憶複合體', 而是包括複雜.繁瑣.對立.分裂.的『情緒過渡』層面,基本上不算是一個維度--因為情緒水元素滙集之故,它流動不居,更像是一變幻不定的虛擬平台,包含各種維度之過渡界面--和下三界之互聯網生態有異曲同工之妙,完全由想像、情感、思考和相互溝通、共振、滙流而成。人死亡之後都會在此停留一陣,意識愈高者停留愈短暫,意識暗晦低頻者逗留久,有些(情緒極端不穩定者)與星光界共振更良好,兩情相悅, 乾脆住下, 不走了!天啊),
不必死後,很多人活的時候(醒時)也多半待在星光界活動,這就是恍神者,情緒波動,情感極端或極度敏感脆弱者,通常他們的物理載具(肉體)都會以上癮種各物質、人物(追星、迷戀、跟蹤、白日夢等),或精神疾患, 乃至精神分裂顯現之。「星光大道」真是個絕佳喻意,因為電影本身就是集幻想之大成,而追星族把幻想痴迷投射在虛擬角色上,進而執著那演繹角色的物理形象。
在「星光大道」夾道尖叫,為他們的幻妄達到顛峰而釋出巨量腎上腺素--正是黑菁英呑食Loosh的絕佳機會。民眾狂歡如痴如醉的場合, 如星光大道和球場,戲院就不必說了,常有巨型銀幕環伺,那些銀幕作用在高科技--應該說天外科技的吸食器。這一切,只要號稱「萬物之靈」的人類一日不知日常生活的每個面向都是靈性活動,無知於自己365天都活在靈界中("星光界是大多數人類心智存在的地方",此話意即:人類心智被限制存在慾望幻想左右的低界,事實上並『無心智可言』, 低等心智是以世俗化的水星能量為代表,水星只懂二元比較,高等心智以王天星汰舊為主,背叛所有陳腐不再適用的能量); 一直被"設定程式"不許超越物質詮釋的三維科學所悠忽,一日看不到能量界的宏觀真相,就日復一日在慾念幻想中耗散能量,『沒有心智可言』的活著,活在以供地球食物鏈頂端吸食的實相中。為何人類肉身老化就必須病苦?能量平衡即可守恆,不必病沒有苦,針對讓能量大失衡設計的各種幻象機巧, 為的是什麼?想。烏雲飄過 )
當4D覺知階段接近完成時,你通過安達卡納拉 Antakarana(譯:意識橋樑)——直接來自於你「神種原子」的一束生命之光,連結上你的神聖三重唱。在那時,一個存儲在脊椎底部海底輪的記憶種原子,慢慢開始螺旋上升通過能量的光之權杖——沿著脊椎,然後錨定松果體的內部。
(1丁: 以上所描述的機制,另一種表述是「拙火」,或「大蛇」的上昇)
Image result for AntahkaranaImage result for AntahkaranaImage result for Antahkarana
在印度教哲學, 西方奧秘學來源中,antahkarana(梵文:因地 inner cause)是指兩種級別合體的心智層,即'菩提'---靈性智力或更高心智,以及'瑪納斯manas'(根據神智學言)世間智---即一般心智體。
Antahkarana也被稱為靈智的轉世體,或世俗心智與高我心靈之間的聯繫,也有說這個聯繫等同凱龍星Chrion在占星學的地位,因為凱龍星即聯繫世界最後一道防線土星(穩健),和靈性第一步天王星(自由)的「彩虹橋」; 凱龍星與受傷有關,為了啟動靈性旅程,受傷/觸底幾乎是開發高我智力的必要手段。(1丁注)
You will begin to tap into your inner power potential as you move into the higher sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension. Matter becomes more fluid, and therefore, it becomes easier to manifest what you desire. That is why you must learn to be decisive and to focus your thoughts with clear intention.
A disciplined mind links the chains of thought together in a proper order. It is vitally important for you to understand that scattered thoughts are detrimental to your progress. Living in the present moment—in the NOW moment—is a critical component in attaining Self-mastery. Mental effort is required in order to successfully traverse the path of illumination.

持有戒律的心智(1丁: 此處 "A disciplined mind"應譯為'訓練有素的心智', 並非持戒, 亦非有戒律, 不如說『沉穩健全的心智』,土星(沉穩)的能量是躍入靈性隘口的最後一關, 所以說土星是『惡魔』,因為他的考核最嚴酷不留情 )

Gradually, a good portion of your memory of past events will begin to fade as you move out of the realm of the instinctual brain/mind into the realms of the cosmic stream of knowledge and your Sacred Mind. Important traits of a Self-master are focused observational abilities and harmlessness in thought, word, and deed. As an aspirant on the Path, greater and greater cosmic truths will be revealed to you. However, you should be aware that the lesser principles of ageless wisdom will constantly be expanded to incorporate the unique rules, laws and truths of the next level of existence in the nevfener-ending cycle of Ascension in consciousness.

It is important that you not run away from 「unfinished business,」 but stay in your present environment (circumstances) while you are deciding what your 「destiny passion」 is (or what your next step into Self-awareness is to be). You must resolve and harmonize the major issues that remain within your auric field—the old business at hand. In other words, if your home life is in chaos, or if you are dissatisfied in the work place or in any of your personal relationships, there is inner work to be done before you can manifest harmony and balance in your outer world.

Take an inventory and endeavor to discover what lessons are to be learned from each situation. Endeavor to see the best in everyone, and consciously seek to make an attitude adjustment. Every person you interact with, and every situation that is presented to you each day that makes an impact on you, contain a lesson to be learned.

The greatest thing that is holding everyone back from attaining Self-mastery and claiming the beauty, bounty, joy, peace and harmony—which is the Divine Birthright for all humanity—is fear. Fear of failure; fear of the unknown; fear of success, and of moving out of the comfort zone of your present existence.

We have stated before, your earthly contract for this lifetime is in the final stages of completion, and that applies to every Soul on Earth. We have stated that the Divine Plan has moved to the next phase or level—time is running out—and this means that everyone must move forward on the spiral of Ascension. This also means that every person on Earth is being given an opportunity to write a new 「Galactic Contract.」 That means Scripting Your Future or your future will be decided for you, and it will not be nearly as exciting and filled with potential. Each person must take responsibility for their own past, present and future. It is more important than ever to 「KNOW THYSELF.」
這意味著要去譜寫你的未來,或你的未來由你決定, 而這遠不止是興奮和賦予可能性。每個人必須要為他們自己的過去,現在和未來負起責任。現在,「瞭解你自己」比任何時候都重要。
My brave Bearers of the Light, at one level, the collective consciousness of humanity has moved deeper into a sense of separation, fear of violence, and anxiety about what the future holds. However, there is another band of human collective consciousness that is becoming predominant, for this one is growing in strength exponentially day-by-day. This overlay of consciousness is permeated with unconditional love, hope, desire for peace and harmony amongst all human kind. We tell you that the second band of consciousness—the band of Light—is and will overcome the shadows of fear and separation. The progression of the cosmos in the evolutionary spiral for the return to higher consciousness among all the Facets of Creation will not be delayed or denied. You are truly beginning to understand, and the yearning within is growing stronger and more compelling as you reach higher and higher on your personal sacred journey. In the beginning of this Sub-Universal journey, we were in perfect rapport and finely attuned one with another. Together, we are slowly but surely returning to that beautiful state of Oneness.
I am your faithful friend and constant companion,
你們開始逐漸明白,當你在個人的神聖之旅中走的越來越高的時候,你內在的渴求也在變 得更加的強烈和不可抗拒。
I AM Archangel Michael.
傳導:Ronna Herman於11月28日 摘自